How Does Machine Learning Work (2023 Guide)

It’s the age of technology. Data science and machine learning are revolutionizing how we interact with the world around us. 

But what is machine learning, exactly? How does machine learning work? What is it capable of? We’ll answer those questions and many more in this guide. 

What Is Machine Learning?

Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses data to create predictive computer programs. The ultimate goal of the discipline is to design systems that are able to learn from experience and imitate human decision making without the need for human intervention.

How Does Machine Learning Work?

Machine learning models are powered by one main element: data. They use it to learn about the relationships between various elements to make predictions. For example, a model might be used to predict the likelihood of a person developing a certain disease based on the information it is provided about their age, weight, and lifestyle.

The more data that an ML model has, the more accurate its predictions will be. Think of it like the human brain – the further we are into life and the more things we’ve experienced, the better we are at making decisions.

Types of Machine Learning

Within the general scope of machine learning, you’ll find multiple subcategories that each focus on developing the technology differently. Although there are many types of machine learning, here are the three most well-known:

Supervised Machine Learning

In supervised machine learning, the data that is fed into the model is already labeled. This means that the model knows what the right answers should be and a human can correct it if it makes a mistake. This type of learning is often used for tasks like facial recognition, where machine learning algorithms need to be able to distinguish between different people.

Unsupervised Machine Learning

Unsupervised machine learning is the polar opposite of supervised learning. In this case, the data that is fed into the model is not labeled. This might sound counterintuitive, but it’s actually a very powerful tool. Unsupervised learning allows the model to find patterns on its own, which can be useful for tasks like customer segmentation.

Reinforcement Machine Learning

Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning that is concerned with taking specific actions to maximize a reward. It’s often used in gaming applications, where the goal is to create an AI that can beat a human opponent.

7 Steps in Machine Learning

The Machine Learning process can look different depending on the context it’s used in, however, will generally follow the same seven steps. The following is a breakdown of each and what they entail.

1. Gathering Data

The first – and arguably most important – step of the ML process is gathering data. As we mentioned earlier, data serves as the fuel for machine learning models. Without it, they wouldn’t be able to learn or make predictions.

Getting data can be accomplished in several ways. It can be collected manually, though this is often time-consuming and expensive. Alternatively, it can be scraped from the internet or purchased from a third party.

Types of data that are commonly used in machine learning include text and images. 

Text data comes in the form of articles, reviews, social media posts, etc. It can be used to understand the sentiment of a piece or analyze the topic being discussed.

Image data refers to the pixels that make up a photo or video. These can be used for tasks like facial recognition or object detection.

2. Preparing the Data

Once the data has been gathered, it needs to be prepared for use in the model. This step can involve a number of different tasks, such as cleaning and formatting. 

Cleaning the data simply means getting rid of any invalid or incorrect entries. This is often done by identifying outliers, which are data points that fall far outside of the mainstream.

Formatting the data means making sure that it is in the correct format for the model. This might involve converting it from text to a numerical representation.

3. Choosing a Model

The next step is to choose the right model for the task at hand. There are dozens of different machine learning methods to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Some of the most popular machine learning techniques include:

  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Decision Trees
  • Random Forests

No single model is perfect for every task. That’s why it’s important to take due consideration during this stage to pick one that will work well for the specific problem being approached.

4. Training the Model

Once the model has been chosen, it’s time to start training it. This is done by feeding it data and allowing it to learn from the patterns it observes.

The amount of data that is used for training will depend on the size and complexity of the model. Smaller models can often be trained on just a few hundred data points, while larger ones can require millions.

5. Evaluating the Model

After the model has been trained, its performance must be evaluated by testing the model on data that it hasn’t seen before.

This step is important to ensure that the model hasn’t just memorized the training data, but has learned how to generalize and make predictions on new data.

Several different metrics can be used to evaluate a model, such as accuracy, precision, and recall. It’s important to choose the right metric for the task at hand – accuracy might not be as important for a task like image recognition as it is for something like fraud detection.

6. Parameter Tuning

In the context of machine learning, a parameter is a configurable setting that can be adjusted to improve the performance of a model.

Tuning parameters simply means adjusting them to get the best possible results. This is often done by using a technique called grid search, which involves trying out different combinations of parameters to see which one works best.

7. Making Predictions

Once the model has been trained and evaluated, it’s finally ready to be used for making predictions. What this looks like in practice is entirely dependent on the specific task that the model has been trained for.

What Is Machine Learning Used For?

Machine learning is a powerful technology with the ability to transform entire industries. But what exactly is it being used for?x

Here are just a few of the most popular applications of machine learning:

  • Digital Assistants – Alexa. Siri. Google Assistant. You’ve probably heard of at least one of these digital assistants, all of which use machine learning to process and respond to natural language queries.
  • Fraud Detection – Machine learning is being used by financial institutions to detect fraudulent activity, such as fraudulent credit card charges and money laundering.
  • Facial Recognition – This technology is being used by law enforcement and security agencies to identify criminals and track down missing persons.
  • Image Recognition – Machine learning is powering a new generation of image recognition software that can be used for things like identifying objects in pictures and automatic image tagging.
  • Speech Recognition – This is the technology that powers voice-activated assistants and allows them to understand and respond to human speech.
  • Making Predictions – Machine learning can be used to make all sorts of predictions, such as which products a customer might be interested in, how long a patient will stay in a hospital, or whether a loan will default.
  • Medical Diagnosis – Machine learning is being used to develop new and improved methods for diagnosing diseases such as cancer and heart conditions.
  • Sentiment Analysis – This is a process of using machine learning to analyze text data to determine the emotional tone of the text. Sentiment analysis is often used for things like social media monitoring and customer service.
  • Customer Segmentation – Machine learning can be used to automatically group customers together based on shared characteristics.
  • Product Recommendations – This is a common application of machine learning that is used to personalize the shopping experience for customers. For example, Amazon uses product recommendations to suggest items that might be of interest to customers based on their past purchases.

Why Is Machine Learning Important?

Machine Learning is a particularly powerful tool because it can be used to automatically improve systems by making them faster, more accurate, and more efficient. It also has the potential to make previously impossible tasks possible, such as understanding natural language and making predictions.

What Is the Best Language for Machine Learning?

There is no one “best” language for Machine Learning. Different programming languages are better suited for different tasks. For example, Python is a popular choice for data science and scientific computing, while Java is a popular choice for large-scale enterprise applications.

Deep Learning vs Machine Learning

If you’ve been exploring the world of computer learning long enough, you’ve likely come across the terms “deep learning” and “machine learning.” But what’s the difference between these two types of learning?

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that is concerned with algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain. These algorithms are used to learn high-level features from data. Deep learning is used for things like image recognition and natural language processing.

Machine learning, on the other hand, is a broader field that includes both deep learning and other types of learning algorithms.

Learn Data Science at Coding Dojo

Interested in venturing into the world of machine learning? Maybe now you’re inspired to become a machine learning engineer

Good news! Coding Dojo offers a part-time data science bootcamp that will teach you the skills you need to get started. You’ll learn everything from machine learning types and models to big data platforms and tools.

Whether you’re looking to change careers or take your current career to the next level, learning data science with Coding Dojo’s Data Science Bootcamp can help you get there.

So, how does machine learning work? Now that you know the answer, it’s time to put that knowledge to the test. If you’re not sure where to start, we recommend checking out our beginner-friendly data science boot camp. Register today!