What You Need To Know For Your Interview With Coding Dojo

Applied to bootcamp? Congratulations! That means you’re likely to speak to Admissions Counselor for an interview to make sure you are the right fit for the program.

To make sure you’re ready for the interview, there is some information that you should know beforehand so we can hit the ground running!

Important: Although it rarely happens, missing this scheduled interview will result in your spot for bootcamp no longer being reserved — something that can’t be rectified until another interview is scheduled. Simply put, do not miss this interview.

Questions We Ask

One of the most important parts of making our bootcamps so successful is that the students are driven, willing to learn & want to succeed as a group. Your teacher will be there to guide you, but our students are famous for pushing & helping their classmates and are willing to be pushed & be helped in return.

Because of this, a lot of the questions we ask during the interview center around whether or not you will be a good fit for the bootcamp and your future classmates.

It is best for everyone involved that be as honest in your interview as possible!

Bootcamp Expenses & Financing

Our tuition will vary by the campus you attend, but expect to pay in the realm of $10,000 to $16,000. Payments can be made in two installments (one at the beginning of the bootcamp and one midway through) or monthly.

There are two primary ways of securing money for your tuition if you can’t pay out-of-pocket.

1. Scholarships through Coding Dojo
Since our start in 2013, Coding Dojo has given out over $3.5 million in scholarships to our students. Designed to make sure our school reflects the real world & those who want to make a difference in it, Coding Dojo Scholarships are available at all levels. To qualify for scholarships, just apply to the program, get accepted and work with your Admissions Counselors to see if you qualify.

2. Financing through Skills Fund 
Our favorite financing partner for students, Skills Fund has helped countless grads work through their bootcamps without having to worry about payments. With the ability to get your funding request approved in as quickly as 24 hours, Skills Fund also offers applicants the ability to get 100% of their tuition covered while receiving up to $4,500 for living expenses. To qualify for Skills Fund, you need to be accepted to the program and then apply to Skills Fund directly.

Bootcamp Duration & Time Commitment

Our bootcamps last 14 weeks. Classes are Monday through Friday unless otherwise stated by your instructors. Attendance is mandatory and you cannot miss more than 20% of lectures. 

This will be an intense but rewarding experience. You will need to be spending a minimum of 50 hours a week on lectures and coursework, but most students who excel spend between 70 to 90 hours.

That’s it! Good luck with your interview!