How to Learn C# Programming Easily

Wondering how to learn C# programming easily? Learning a new language isn’t as hard as it looks. While C# might be one of the most robust and comprehensive languages, the syntax and language are relatively straightforward.

So in this blog, we’re going to look at the four steps you can take to start learning C#. But before we do, let’s look at what C# is usually used for.

What is C#?

Microsoft created C# around the year 2000, as part of .NET. It’s based on the original C and is very similar to its sibling: C++.

Both C++ and C# are mostly used for desktop applications, like games, operating systems, and graphic design packages. Nowadays, we see more C# because it’s a little more suitable for mobile and web applications. While C++ is more suited for server-side applications and device drivers.

Meanwhile, C# might be slower, but it has more checks to ensure your code isn’t buggy. This is particularly useful for newcomers wanting to see whether programming is the right career path for them. But as the languages are quite similar, it’s not uncommon for people to learn both C++ and C# and use the one most suited for the task at hand.

1. Watch Two Videos 

The best first step to see whether C# is the right language for you is to go through a video tutorial. There are a few free courses online you can use:

  • C# Tutorial For Beginners – Learn C# Basics in 1 Hour – As the title says, you’ll learn the basics of C# in just an hour. While this glosses over some elements, it’s a great introduction to the language.
  • C# Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners – This four-hour tutorial teaches you everything you need to know to get started with C#. As part of the course, you’ll learn the basics like variables and setting up your computer, create your first program, and then some more advanced techniques.

It should only take a weekend to run through these courses, and now you should be able to create some very simple programs. So let’s move on to the next step.

2. Read a Couple of Books

The advantage of learning a programming language through a book is that you have to type the code yourself and make sure you don’t make any mistakes. The two biggest challenges of coding are testing your logic and debugging small typos. Either can scupper a project.

While this won’t necessarily help you through making sure your code is completely logical, you will learn how to make sure you’ve typed in your code correctly. So which books are best?

  • Learn C# in One Day and Learn It Well – As the title says, this book is all about learning C# quickly and easily. The examples and exercises are carefully chosen to make sure you get the most out of them.
  • Sams Teach Yourself C# in 21 Days – If you’ve got a little more time, this book takes you to step by step through the process of learning C#.

3. C# Exercises for Beginners

There’s no better way to code than by doing. Running through a project or taking on challenges will help you make sure you truly understand the principles behind the language.

  • Creator Kit: Beginner code – The Unity game engine has tons of resources and tutorials to help you start making games in just a few hours. In this one, you’ll create a simple Action-RPG game using basic C# code. All the assets you need to create the game are included, so all you need to do is follow the instructions.
  • Codecademy – Codecademy has plenty of modules and boasts being able to teach you the basics in 30 hours, though you’ll need to pay for the pro membership.
  • Edabit – You’ll find loads of simple challenges to solve using C# here. Things like figuring out the area of a triangle to fixing the error in a given piece of code. These challenges are the sort of problems you’ll come across all the time, so it’s worth walking through them. 

Now you’ve given yourself some practice, it’s time to move on to the last step.

4. Start Your Own Simple Project

You’re only limited by your imagination here. Coding is about solving problems, so think about how you might be able to make your life easier. Here are just a few things you can work on:

Whatever you create, the experience will be invaluable and be especially useful when interviewing for a job later down the line.

Learn C# at Coding Dojo

Alternatively, you should join a bootcamp. You’ll get practical experience, and build your project while making sure you fill in the gaps in your knowledge. Learn at your own pace and see how to build eCommerce programs, video games, and data visualization software. 

Coding Dojo offers several coding bootcamps for aspiring programmers, whether you’re hoping to learn Python in 14 weeks or 32.

Take a look to find out which coding bootcamp is right for you.