Software Development Bootcamp Online Full-Time

  • Full-Time | 16 Weeks | 70-90 hours/week
  • Monday - Friday Lecture Days
  • Online Attendance
  • Beginner Friendly!
  • Credit-bearing at Colorado Technical University*
Project Description Image

Become a Full-Stack Software Developer

In as little as sixteen weeks, this program provides an in-depth introduction to web development, including front-end and back-end development, and database management for a full-stack curriculum. As you progress through the program, dive into a range of popular back-end languages and technologies; Python, JavaScript, and a choice of either Java or C#/.NET, designed to provide a deep understanding of the request-response cycle and how to manage and manipulate data. Upon graduation, students will have up to 4 projects for their portfolio and graduate with a Certificate of Achievement. Students who complete this program can apply up to 24 quarter credits towards the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree program at CTU.*

*Coding Dojo makes no representation that these credits could or would transfer to any other institutions. Course credits are not guaranteed to transfer to other schools. Transferability of credits is at the sole discretion of the receiving school.

Curriculum Overview

Week One

Programming Basics

To kick off the program, you’ll explore habits, computer basics, and fundamental programming concepts and skills necessary to be successful in your bootcamp!

What you'll focus on
  • Basic computer literacy
  • Algorithmic foundations
  • Learning stamina

Weeks Two to Four

Web Fundamentals

During Web Fundamentals, you’ll be introduced to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along with other common tools in the industry. At the end of this three week course, students should be able to build out static web pages with JavaScript interactivity.

What you'll focus on
  • HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
  • Git/Github
  • HTTP Request Response
  • Optional: jQuery & Wireframing

Weeks Five to Eight

Full-Stack Python

Dive into the first full-stack language: Python. Beginning with small projects, you’ll work your way up to designing a full framework project alongside your classmates and instructor.

What you'll focus on
  • Python Fundamentals & OOP
  • MySQL
  • Flask
  • MVC Framework 
  • ERD / Database Design
  • Web Security Basics
  • Object Relational Mapper

Weeks Nine to Twelve

Full-Stack Javascript

Mid-program, explore your second full-stack language: JavaScript. Studying a wide-range of applicable formats, students can obtain familiarity with building web applications using common industry technologies like MongoDB, Express, React, and NodeJS.

What you'll focus on
  • JavaScript Fundamentals & OOP
  • Node.JS
  • Express.JS
  • MongoDB
  • React

Weeks Thirteen to Sixteen

Full-Stack Java or C#/.NET

For your last full-stack language, students will select either Java or C#/.NET in the last 4 weeks of their course.


Study procedural programming in Java using popular frameworks and build and manipulate databases in programs like MySQL.

What You’ll Focus On:
  • Java Fundamentals & OOP
  • Java Web Development
  • Java Spring MVC, Boot, Security
  • (JPA Hibernate)
  • ThymeLeaf
  • Tomcat
  • Deployment

Study MVC framework .NET Core, object-oriented programming, fundamentals with C# and manipulating databases in programs like MySQL.

What You’ll Focus On:
  • C# & C# OOP
  • .NET Core
  • ASP.NET Core MVC
  • Application Deployment (Azure & AWS)
  • Identity Framework
  • Compilation and Debugging

What a Schedule in Full-Time Program May Look Like

  • Morning

    • 8:50am - 9am MST: Login to Zoom session for morning Algorithms
    • 10am MST: Recap Algos & Discussion Lecture
    • 11am MST: Group Activities & Setting the Day’s Expectations
  • Mid-Morning

    • 12pm MST: Enjoy lunch!
    • 1pm - 5pm MST: Labs including demos, code reviews, and extra sessions
  • Evening

    • Additional Assignments & Self-Study
    • 5pm - 9pm MST: Complete daily assignments, read lessons for following day
  • 24/7 Cohort Access

    Your access to our LEARN Platform & Discord is available 24/7. Access your materials at whatever time you need them.

  • Self Study

    Most students dedicate 70 - 90 hours a week to self-study, though you may need more or less depending on your learning style and experience.

  • Lectures

    Live participation is held Monday - Friday from 9am - 5pm MST. Students should plan for 12+ hour days with 8 hours of instruction.

  • Optional Office Hours

    Need more assistance understanding a concept? Optional office hours are held Monday - Friday when class is in session an hour prior to the morning kickoff between 8-9am MST.

To learn more about the full curriculum click below!

Support When You Need It

Student support begins the day you inquire about pursuing your studies with Coding Dojo. You’ll find support throughout your Admissions journey, along the way through your program, and beyond graduation with Career Service support and resources.

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Meet the Team

  • John MisirlakisSenior Instructor
  • Alfredo Salazar Vélez Instructor
  • Heidi Chen Instructor
  • Kyle Marymee Instructor
  • Max Rauchman Instructor
  • Shawn Converse Instructor
  • Spencer RauchInstructor
  • Tyler ThibaultInstructor
  • Winter PerroneInstructor
  • Joshua VenegasInstructor
  • Narciso LoboInstructor
  • Robert SantosInstructor
  • Ruben OcasioInstructor
  • Tyler MaxwellInstructor

Career Services

See What Our Students Say

Tuition and Financing

Tuition at Coding Dojo

Tuition Image

Software Development Online Full-Time Program

  • Tuition: $16,995
  • Deposit: $99

The $99 deposit is a part of your overall tuition and not an additional expense. Your deposit will be made as a part of the application process which you’ll place after your application is submitted and the non-technical interview with your Admissions Advisor is complete.

Upcoming Program Dates

  • 26August

    Online Full-Time

    • August 26, 2024
    • 16 weeks of program

    Mon-Fri lecture days

  • 21October

    Online Full-Time

    • October 21, 2024
    • 16 weeks of program

    Mon-Fri lecture days

REQ1935927 - 07/2023